
British Gas FIT Payment Installation ID Problems

 I've had my solar panels for 10 years this year and over that time registered the generation meter readings every 3 months or so to get the FIT (Feed in Tariff) payments from British Gas. I've come to do the same today and the British Gas website is refusing to accept the installation ID for my system. The number I have had since the system was fitted starts 95000 and is 12 digits long yet the BG FIT payment screen insists that the ID must begin with a 5 and be 10 digits long. It would appear that British Gas have made some amendments to their FIT payment screens but not actually checked whether they work. Update - on checking elsewhere it appears that BG have generated new Installation IDs but failed to actually inform any of the solar owners what the new numbers are or even to put a message on their website to let people know that it has changed. Quite incredibly the help icon next to the error that states the installation ID must be 10 characters actually shows a 12 digit n...

Saving Money with LED Bulbs and Solar Panels

Even before we had solar panels installed I was starting to be aware of power consumption and trying to reduce the electricity we used by switching to low energy light bulbs. For most bulbs in the house we replaced the standard bulbs with CFL low energy versions so 100W bulbs became 20W CFL. After having the solar panels fitted and monitoring our electricity usage I tackled some of the other big guzzlers by replacing kitchen GU10 50W bulbs with LED versions at 5W. Saving Money with LED Bulbs to replace CFL Until this week I wasn't aware how LED technology had moved on and that LED versions of standard bayonet and screw light bulb fittings were now available at very low prices. I took the plunge and bought a few 5W LED bulbs from Screwfix. I've beenvery impressed with the brightness and how they instantly come on compared to CFL ones and the power consumption is far better too. In the hallway it was a 20W CFL replacing a 100W standard bulb. That's now been changed to a 5.8W ...